Friday, July 1, 2016

Tradisional Food

Indonesian traditional food is unique not only tastes just delicious but eating and unique materials are all available at the Alam Indonesia from its spices and so forth.

# Oseng-Oseng Mercon
For you lovers of spicy food, try cooking challenge Oseng-oseng Jogja Mercon, which can stall you meet in a fragment Jalan KH Ahmad Dahlan's. Stir-oseng are cooking beef and fat, mixed with chili to spicy outstanding. Prepare drink plenty of water, yes, if you want to try this one unique culinary menu.
can be enjoyed by local and international society, many foreign tourists who love this food when they visit the area students (designation Yogyakarta)
Traditional food is really spicy so in accordance with its name.

# Geplak

Yogyakarta region still friends
geplak a traditional food typical of Bantul, made from grated coconut, mixed with palm sugar and molded round, very sweet taste. Geplak first produced only one color one sense, it has developed a variety of flavors. There geplak chocolate, durian, strawberry and others. Bantul 

people used to cultivate coconut and sugar into geplak, and make it a daily food when the lean times.
well fitted for those who have a sweet taste and definitely tasty.

# Getuk

from Yogyakarta we moved to Banyumas, there getuk famous of getuk Sokaraja. You probably also never nyobain getuk lindri, whose shape consists of cassava crushed and milled. Well, maybe you've never tried it getuk most traditional meal is. Getuk traditionally sold in traditional markets in winnowing large, sliced ​​and sprinkled with grated coconut. Savory and sweet taste sensation was perfect really.

# Papeda

Papeda is one of the specialties of Papua fairly well known in Indonesia as often really promoted outside Papua. Papeda sago is cooked with seasoning sauce, yellow. Papeda has a unique flavor. Those who are not familiar, Papeda will feel flagstones and textured like glue. Not to mention if the smell still wafted sagu.
But, for accustomed definitely addictive, especially longer eaten with fish sauce spicy sour yellow. If to Papua, ye shall try Papeda because it's unique. In addition, this papeda really good for health. The content of the fibrous sagunya many, low-cholesterol and nutritious. Hence, no wonder why people famous Papua stronger, right?


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